Monday, March 31, 2008

Podcast with Syd Williams of Lyceum Associates

Just recorded this podcast with Syd Williams of Lyceum Associates

"Openness in Software"

Duration: 20 minutes (It takes a few moments to load)


[1] With all the recent news on software openness, how are Microsoft and Google positioning themselves?
[2] To what extent is Microsoft playing catch-up?
[3] Does Microsoft suffer from brand deficiency, and is this affecting its bid for Yahoo!?
[4] How will worsening economic conditions affect IT spending? Which companies might benefit?

We Want It, and Waiting Is No Option

The Web empowers both groups and individuals as a place where choice is not only an option, but an imperative.
Awesome quote from this great article: “Storytelling is a hard problem that is cognitive rather than technological,” he said (while I breathed a heavy sigh of relief). “It requires a specific set of skills, and there are business models that enable storytelling, but maybe don’t require the whole manufacturing or broadcasting business that goes with them.”

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Yahoo, Google, MySpace form non-profit OpenSocial Foundation

Google, Yahoo, and MySpace forge a nonprofit foundation to ensure that OpenSocial stays a community-driven spec "in perpetuity".

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Democrats - Just Say No to Clinton's Brand of Cynicism

Man, this takes the cake. Hilary's lie that she was threatened by sniper fire in Bosnia is just plain cynical and ugly.

This is what dodging sniper fire actually looks like, Hilary. [update - if anyone had really dodged sniper fire, I doubt it's something they would forget, as hard as they may try]

Shame on you - oh, wait a minute - you have no shame. You will do or say ANYTHING to get elected. You know what, though - beyond what this lie tells us about how untrustworthy she is, to lie about something like this, where so many real people - young, old, moms, dads and kids - died and suffered - a lie like this shows an utter lack of respect for the heroism, suffering and loss that Bosnian's experienced in that awful conflict. Hilary needs to drop out of the race right now before she does any more damage to Democrat's chances. I'm going on the record (as if anyone cares :) if she gets the Democratic nomination, I'm voting for McCain - no brainer. Hell, McCain could pick Cheney to be Veep and I'd still vote for him over Clinton.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Obama's Philly Speech

Wow - what a speech. I wonder if he went to Pat's for a cheese steak afterwords...

Apple US retail sales leap past PC par

Apple took 14 per cent of the US retail computer market last month - 25 per cent if you look at its share in terms of sales revenue - source NPD

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

BMC buys BladeLogic for $800 mln

It had to happen. Data center automation has been white hot lately, and after HP picked up Opsware back in July, that left one big public pure play in the space, BladeLogic. I think this was probably a smart move for BMC

Friday, March 14, 2008

Spokeo - leaders in Spam

So, I feel like an idiot. I got completely hoodwinked into joining this social network aggregator called Spokeo, which despite being a cool idea, has resorted to spamming as a means to get the word out about themselves. Few things piss people off more than when a web site sends emails to their contact list without the person's EXPLICIT permission - maybe the reason they don't ask for that permission is because NO ONE would EVER grant it.

If you got an email saying that I was looking for you on Spokeo, I sincerely apologize. I have deactivated my account and sent Spokeo the following message explicitly forbidding them from sending any more emails to my contacts.

"I disactivated my account because I never knowingly agreed for you to send emails to my contacts.

I hereby forbid you from doing so."

to which I received the following confirmation: Your comment has been submitted. Thank you!

I am surprised that Mr. Kawasaki (scroll to bottom of page) would allow his name to be associated with a sleazy outfit like this.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Write Your Own Forlorn Spitzer Picture Caption

HELP! black hole in throat [hack] sucking me in lips first!

add your caption in the comments

SearchMe Baby

interesting that Sequoia Capital, which backed Google along with Kleiner, is behind SearchMe, which I have to say is freaking HOT looking!! I'll admit to being pretty ignorant to the machinations of VC firms, so like on one hand, Sequoia knows the search space, but on the other, do they really want to eat Google's lunch? I guess they made their money (understatement) with Google's IPO, so why not get back in?

So, quick look at Google's BOD, Kleiner is on there, as is Sherpalo, but no Sequoia, so no conflict, perceived or otherwise. In fact, in a quick look at Sequoia's web site, I didn't see any Public companies that their partners serve on. I wonder if that's a fund policy...would seem to make sense, maybe I'll explore this more in another blog

Anyway, back to SearchMe - I read about it this morning on techcruch, and went to their site. All I could do there was register for the beta, so I did. Then I saw this option to add their promotional video to my blog - I was like "as if!" why would I do that? (said as if this blog actually gets meaningful traffic :-| Then I watched the video, and, unlike the vast majority of promo videos, it was really well done, and SearchMe looks oh so cool. So I decided, what they hey, I'll throw this puppy up on Jocs Florals.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Dear Sun, Please Shut Up

One of my favorite movies of all time is Office Space. In particular I think John McGinley is brilliant as one of the two Bob consultants. One of my favorite lines of his is when he's interviewing Michael Bolton (David Herman) and says "I am. I'm a Michael Bolton fan!"

I'm that way about Sun - I'm a Sun fan. I think they have done so much great stuff over the last few years in terms of open source. They are a totally remade company, and it's really awesome.

But I have to say, it's getting pretty damned annoying and depressing that some of their top dudes (and yes, they are all dudes) frequently let the downright dumbest things leave their lips. I blogged about an earlier instance of this that occurred during their analyst call right after they announced plans to acquire MySQL. At least Schwartz and Green did better on the do-over call that followed the official closing of the MySQL deal, which took place just 6 weeks later (well done!).

Now, it seems, their VP of Java Marketing has caught the disease, splurting out in geeky exuberation that he just can't wait to port JVM to Apple's iPhone and iPod touch. Problem is, as I read in el reg, there's this little thing called the Apple End User License Agreement that explicitly forbids it.

As the article makes painfully clear, it would be one thing if Klien had said something innocuous like "we would love to take advantage of the newly-released SDK to port JVM to these innovative devices," or something like that. But, oh nooo. Instead, he dove head first into the pile of manure, saying that he and his team (any of them still have a job, I wonder?) had spent the past 24 hours "furiously looking through" the Apple documentation. This caused el reg to wonder out loud if any of them can read (LMAO).

Walks like a trend, talks like a trend, must be a trend. Sun, if not for your own sake, then for the sake of those of us who are rooting and sticking up for you, please put some stricter corporate marketing/communications policies in place.

Microsoft's Hilf on Interoperability - source Uberpulse

good perspective from Hilf, who sounds like he has a cold, on the changes happening inside Microsoft and what they mean for the industry.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Hyperic and OpenNMS Announce Joint Collab and Integration

Hyperic and OpenNMS are working together on real code for real customers. Our companies have been good friends for quite some time, and our products are very complementary. So, when some customers expressed a desire to merge some of their functionality, it was a no-brainer.

Cool! with all the recent brouhaha about vc-backed versus community driven open source, this deal is like a bridge over troubled water - nice going guys!

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Bits: Under Apple’s Watchful Eye, Games and Business Appli

Apple has created tools for programmers to build interesting applications to run on the iPhone. But all programs must be distributed through Apple, which will take 30 percent of the sale price.

I love this line, espec the end: "the iPhone, and the iPod Touch, are in fact on a path to become very powerful handheld computers, with features that business executives and game fanatics alike might find useful. (I know, some people are both.)"

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

take a trip to McDonald's

ah the early 70s, when it was cool to be a freak

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